The Alberta Cheerleading Association (ACA) offers opportunities to businesses to market and sell merchandise at our annual True North Cheer & Dance Championships.

This event is one of the largest events in Western Canada that hosts over 3,000 athletes ranging in age from 4 years old to adult. The event generally has approximately 6,500 spectators attending.

The event will run February 28 - March 2, 2025 and takes place at the Edmonton EXPO Centre.

Vendor Space
Exhibitors have the option of securing a 10 x 10-foot space (2 draped and skirted tables) or a 10 x 20-foot space (3 draped and skirted tables). Exhibit space is limited and will be assigned on a first-pay basis. Once spaces are filled, we will create a waiting list based on the date of application received.

Event Information*
Setup: Thursday (Time TBD)
Event Hours: Friday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Take Down: Sunday 8:00 pm (No vendor should be taking down booths before the event ends)

*All hours may be subject to change.

10 x 10 booth = $375.00
10 x 20 booth = $450.00
Power + $150.00
Additional Services: If additional services are required they are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Please contact the Edmonton EXPO Centre for additional rentals such as floor mats, lighting, etc.

*Once your vendor application is approved, submit payment through the “Submit Payment” button above.

Lighting may be dim in the exhibit space. It is recommended that additional lighting is used to showcase your products. Additional lighting will not be provided. Contact Expo for lighting rental inquiries.

Terms of Cancellation
Notification of cancellation must be received by email to no later than two weeks prior to the event. All refunds will be subject to a $100 administrative fee. There will be NO refunds for cancellations made within 2 weeks of the event.

Liability and Security
Each exhibitor must take precautions for the safeguarding of its goods, materials, equipment and display at all times. The ACA assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. 

Exhibitor parking fees are not included. Please contact the EXPO centre for parking information and cost.

Copyrighted Materials
Exhibitors must not sell products with copyrighted materials (e.g.: True North logo, ACA logo, gym or school logos, etc.) without prior consent from the copyright holder.

Any matters and questions not covered by these guidelines, terms, and conditions, are subject to the decision of the Alberta Cheerleading Association’s Executive Director. Any amendments made shall be equally binding on all parties affected by them as if they are original guidelines and terms and conditions. The Alberta Cheerleading Association’s Executive Director will give written notice of any amendment or addition to the guidelines and terms and conditions.
